Amazing Programs by Judy available below

The foundation of all my work is based on the Omnipresence of God, the Divine within….And the universal principle of us as limitless Beings.

We live in a spiritual world, with spiritual laws that are greater than all physical laws ….

We are created with more of the qualities of the Divine than ego…

In my programs and coaching I guide you to intentionally emulate the qualities of the divine presence within….. your ‘I Am Presence’ - the God within…

Where everything and all possibilities exist
When we master living and emulating the qualities of the Divine within….

You manifest miracles….. Creating an experience of life that is truly ICONIC, overflowing in LOVE
A love for life and exquisite bliss….. in freedom and choice….. fulfilled and whole… in prosperity and abundance….

Below are a number of programs / masterclasses and transmissions I completed in 2022 which will guide and activate you towards transmuting your life to an ICONIC LIFE of freedom and prosperity..
Legacy Living with Judy Vee

More than 5 hours of PURE GOLD in this potent coaching transmission activating your path to prosperity.
You will learn the exact ingredients that will allow you to live an ICONIC LIFE.

You will learn how to LOVE deeper, how to deepen your awareness and connection with God, you will learn to express the qualities of the divine within you – the truth of who you are.

You will learn about surrender, serenity and laughter as key to your prosperity..

You will come away from this program – richer beyond words.

Richer in wealth, opportunities, abundance, relationships, experiences, time, prosperity and joy – and how to incorporate these revelations into your life so your experience of life is ICONIC – in freedom and prosperity. Only $333

The Key To propsering in Challenging times with Judy Vee

(Including Judy's amazing Abundance Meditation FREE download)

You are here reading this, because you are ready for the revelations in this masterclass series – The truths revealed in this program are what multi millionaires and billionaires have known throughout the ages – which is why they are as wealthy as they are.

In this extraordinary program you will be shown THE KEY that will unlock your prosperity – right now – more powerfully than ever before.

Within one day of opening the lock with THE KEY I had a $40k+ day in my business…

Doing nothing more than I normally do…I'm passing The KEY to YOU on the Masterclass.....


The Wealth Revolutionwith Judy Vee

We are in the midst of a wealth revolution. Big money in the hands of those who have never experienced wealth before is becoming more commonplace – there is a new paradigm around money and for those trapped in the old paradigm things will get harder… for those embracing this new paradigm – the Wealth Revolution – everything is about to change.

In this program you will PROVE to yourself – the power of your intuition that is the treasure you hold to become the full version of you possible.

Only $333

The 3 Exponential Wealth Codes

If you have some experience of the magic and opportunities in this new wealth paradigm we are experiencing then this masterclass is a logical next to your wealth evolution.

Unlock the Wealth Codes that will allow exponential and extraordinary manifestations and results to show up in your life at hyper speed.

You will learn to implement the compounding effect of the exponential wealth codes that will change everything in your life when it comes to building wealth.. 

ONLY $333

Seeds of Wealth with Judy Vee

Almost 5 hours of high value coaching masterclass with practical guidance on expanding your wealth awareness and consciousness. With life altering universal truths that will jump you to a higher timeline of wealth and prosperity consciousness.

Learn how to harvest and materialise the wealth you create every day – by you being you – no matter where you are now – what you learn in this masterclass will change you forever -  ONLY $555

Iconic Life Mastery with Judy Vee

This is a masterpiece, rated as one of the top 3 programs I delivered in 2022.

Living an ICONIC LIFE is about having freedom and choice - having the freedom to focus on what brings you joy and bliss – every day in your life.

Whilst at the same time creating wealth and prosperity in abundance – financially and in all areas of life.

ICONIC LIFE Mastery is your key to stop dreaming about ONE DAY and start LIVING your ICONIC LIFE.

ICONIC LIFE Mastery is more than 8 hours of pure gold, a masterclass unlike anything you may have done before – it’s an energetic transformation.

Your experience of life WILL change, dramatically – so be aware!
Only $1 111

Apply for a complimentary call with Judy to Unpack the MIRACLE CODE in your life.

Activating the Miracle Code in our life allows us to experience an ICONIC LIFE.... of freedom, prosperity, abundance, and choice....

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